How Design Shapes Our World in Infinite Ways
That muscular car in front of your yard, that awe building 2 blocks in the neighborhood, that grand-looking phone in the hands of your friends with the sign of half apple (eaten apple), those flowers farms in the Netherlands, those majestic churches are some of the things human created for themselves.
But what makes them special that we end up using adverbs?
Is it the cement or trees to construct those grandeurs building?
Is it the engine of the car that comes to your mind, or is it the metallic body of the already eaten apple?
The first thing that mesmerizes the human about anything is the Design. The appealing design has to look beautiful, incredible, sexy and many things that we sometimes fell short of words to describe.
But truly design at its core is something more than that. It’s not just about how something looks like, but how the things work.
It’s not about that grand-looking building, but also when you open the door, the way the door is open, how is it making you feel.
How the twist of the door handle, how the push and pull feels, how the harmonization in between these entries and exit leaves you in wonder is what the design is all about.
It’s not about how Ferrari looks like, but how does Ferrari makes you feel when it passes by you.
The way it makes you imagine what it will feel like to sit on the front seat having a steering wheel at your hand, that hot red dashboard, those leather seats, that analog speedometer (even the digital ones), how the appeal stimulates your thoughts is what the design is actually about.
Design isn’t just something that humans created and make it appealing. No design is something that has actual meaning in terms of how the universe is conceived, how it works, why we see things and perceive them as the way they are.
These few lines may not fulfill the purpose, but I hope it will give the basic idea about the significance of design.
Thanks for Reading.