How to choose the hosting for Wordpress
As you start your journey for creating you Wordpress website, you come to know that you need a hosting service. Having a hosting service is essential to get your website live on the internet.
Without having a hosting service registering for a domain is of no use.
So what does Webhosting means?
Website hosting is usually the space that you buy on a server to store your website files.
There are so many Web hosting platforms out there that can easily confuse you. To know which one to choose from, consider these 3 basic things in account before proceeding:
1) Speed and Performance: There is no surprise for this one. Having a hosting service that will make sure your website runs smoothly continuously is the platform you should choose.
Good hardware of the server is essential. The memory, the processing power, and disk space play a huge role.
When considering a web host, look how fast the information gets delivered to your visitors, whether the transfer times of the website is low even under high-load.
2) Support: Support plays a huge role in website hosting. Ideally, look for support service which provides it in moment notice and with the quickest turnaround.
3) UpTime: A continuous uptime close to the range of 100% is good. While most hosting services claim that 99% of uptime, it is worth researching for the hosting service that is actually successful with this in the past.
Other important factors to consider:
Offsite BackUp & Recovery–If your website gets hacked, your web host should have a backup in place which will help your website recover to its previous state.
Caching–Caching helps your website speed to increase.
Security Features–A feature that allows you to know from where you are getting the traffic, that keeps a tab of unknown visitors will help you ensure that it protects your website.
Location of the server–You want your server to be at closer proximity. It allows them to load the web page at faster rate, simply the closer the better.
But how do you know which type of web hosting service is suitable for you?
There are 4 distinct types of web hosting service that will help you decide:
1). Managed Webhosting: It’s aimed at taking the hassle out of managing the technical details of your own WordPress installation.
Examples of the websites using managed hosting include a huge range of enterprises–from small, low-traffic blogs to large-scale online magazines with hundreds of thousands of visitors a month E.g., WPEngine
2). Shared Hosting: It is by far the cheapest and most popular option. If you are still in deciding and just want to know test then shared hosting is a good place to start. With shared hosting, you’ll be sharing the resources of the server such as RAM, CPU and disk space with other websites.
This kind of setup works well if you are just starting out. But as your site grows it requires more resources which a shared hosting service, do not possess.
Examples include relatively low traffic blogs, design agencies, small e-commerce sites, individual freelancers and small businesses.E.g., Siteground
3). VPS(Vitrual Private Server) Hosting: If you want a hosting service where you want a partition on a server which is reserved for you and protected and your computational power which won’t take hit by another website then VPS Hosting is the one you should look for.
It ensures that any rising demand in demand on the server from other users will not affect the performance of your website.
You’ll be given full root access to the server if you ever need it and a lot more freedom to change certain performance-related aspects–like memory usage and power (at an additional cost)–as your business/website grows.
Thus, VPS allows you to grow at a rapid pace. Examples of sites best suited to VPS hosting include those that expect to experience rapid growth, medium-sized businesses, and/or websites running relatively complex web applications.E.g., Media Temple.
4). Dedicated hosting: If you want a whole server that is dedicated running only your websites/software then Dedicated hosting is the perfect one.
The full extent of the server’s memory and computational power will be at your disposal, ensuring consistently high performance.
Dedicated hosting is usually used by only already established large businesses and advanced users who run high traffic websites. E.g., HostGator.
Choosing the best host is not always easy, it is infact a daunting process. A quick tip you can use is trying out the trial period. It will help you test the hosting service and will allow you to take the decision more effectively.
If you still have any struggle you can try from the above-mentioned example host to get started.
Thanks for reading.