How UX design made Me a Responsible Consumer
Just like you, I am a smartphone user. It directly links half of my essential activities. I used to spend a major chunk of time using it. Sometimes the whole day of my life was dedicated to using applications I wasn’t even interested in.
But all of it changed one day when I heard about UX design.
It’s a terminology that is devised by both engineers and designers.
It aims to deliver the best possible experience for consumers so that they can achieve their goal quickly and efficiently and feel comfortable while achieving it.
It was the term derived by Don Norman, he even wrote a book about it the best-selling, Don’t make me think.
Steve Jobs with his love for design and engineer has lead the foundation for the majority of applications we see today which deliver the best experiences.
My interest got piqued and then I started to follow different blogs. Blogs which discussed different Apps and how these apps are contributing to different consumers.
How each app aims to deliver an experience which impacts the psychology of users with different topics and also provide them with a range of experience.
How some apps are designed and engineered to hook their users. Nir Eyal is a famous author who discusses habits and how using these habits some companies develop apps to hook the users.
After reading all this stuff, I questioned my self. Whether I am using my phone or my smartphone is using me. I started to give much more thought to it.
This new information has introduced a new wave of perspective. Since then I come across different digital media.
I started to observe my habits. I started to concentrate on different cues that ticks me.
What is something about a particular app that hooks me?
I needed to know everything that will help me to more understand about the products I was using.
In this process, I end up learning more about myself. It was a self-reflection. I learned about my responses to particular apps. How they align with my goals.
I observed what kind of feeling, the emotional state I am when I am using the apps. By dissecting my time into smaller frames and with the help of Antisocial, I learned what is it about them that makes the whole experience different.
Thus, with my knowledge about the UX, I tend to use apps that provide with a positive experience. Not only that the app delivers me with a solution, but keep me immersed as long as a specific task is completed.
The app which won’t let me delve in the app completely and make an effort that leaves me less distracted, more productive and will let me off the hook. The apps which help me to create good habits are the ones I always look for.
Some of the apps that I use are Pocket, Evernote, Medium and Bookhub.
All make my day more productive give me a feeling of accomplishment and let me off the hook.
These Reasons have made me a responsible consumer. I hope you learn a thing or two. If you have suggestions, leave in the response section below.
Thank you for reading.