Why UX Matters!
This term is being thrown around in the world than anyone could think of now. A concept which was often neglected and was never prioritize by the thing that builds it that’s coding.
But the world is not about tech anymore.
It has grown and mature and the importance of every aspect of the product has dramatically increased.
One such part of it is user experience. We are more familiar to it today than before. But specifically, the website and application have become an important part of its life.
It has grown to become and has formed its own arena.
In today’s world, the negligence of it can cost a hefty price.
To be successful you need to invest yourself in UX. All the major players out there from social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat to productivity apps like Evernote, Pocket has put user experience at top of their list.
After throwing about a bunch of things around it, let’s know what is UX design.
Ux design is as defined in Wikipedia’s page is, “The process of enhancing user satisfaction of a product by improving usability, accessibility and desirability’s of the product.”
Without taking it into account, we wouldn’t be using all the smartphones, it’s not just about the features but how we can best put them to use that makes a difference.
Since it’s rise we not only have taken actions of avg people but people with special disability.
It helped them to access this application.
By prioritizing their way of interaction we know the power of infinite potential of the Ux.
It’s not about just about delivering the best experience but the experience that would make a difference in someone’s life.
Thanks for Reading.